VUUV building was selected and featured on MINI Building – Korean architecture magazine (No. 11 – page 164-173)
YU House is completed and published on Kien Viet Architecture Magazine.
LK12 house is a common townhouse, located in Nam Trung Yen new urban area, Hanoi. The house has been constructed by the project owner and a family of five is planning to move in. The requirement for us to solve is that in addition to the common living spaces, the house must have five separate bedrooms, fully equipped for both parents and three children. Specifically, each member wants to live in their own world, but at the same time they don’t want to lose their connection to each other in the home.
VUUV architecture office was invited by fashion designer, Nguyen Cong Tri, to create a temporary architecture installation alongside nine other artworks for the CUC IM LANG exhibition of fashion & contemporary arts in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. to celebrate the fashion designer’s 20th year in the industry, the 10 works of art, created by 10 artists from various art sectors, interacted with 10 different collections designed by Nguyen Cong Tri.
VUUV building is built with 8 floors, each has an area of 4x25m, combining different functions of housing and other services. Located in the heart of Hanoi, the building is studied to respond to the context of a growing city with compact construction density and to welcome a large number of users in the building. The main design idea is to be versatile and suitable for many different needs in urban areas.
Jasmine house (design & detail) was published on Archiworld (월간 건축세계 303) – a Korean architectural magazine.
Organic Café designed by G8A and VUUV, was selected into the list of 11 most interesting restaurants in the world